Openblox makes it easy to iterate over multiple pages of certain endpoints. Pagination data (such as nextCursor
and previousCursor
) are abstracted away from the main data and into its own cursors
array. This cursors array is returned alongside the response data:
const { data:userInfo, cursors } = await ClassicUsersApi.usernameHistory({ userId: 123456 })
const nextCursor =, previousCursor = cursors.previous
Which Openblox Methods Are Paginated?
If a method has an optional cursor
parameter and returns cursors
in its result then its probably paginated.
The following example fetches a users username history across all pages.
import "dotenv/config"
import { ClassicUsersApi } from "openblox/classic"
const USER_ID = 45348281
;(async () => {
const allPastUsernames = []
for await (const { data:nameHistory } of await ClassicUsersApi.usernameHistory({ userId: USER_ID, limit: 100 })) {