Increments the value for an entry by a given amount, or create a new entry with that amount.
Name | Type | Description |
universeId | Identifier | The identifier of the experience with data stores that you want to access. |
datastoreName | string | The name of the data store. |
entryKey | string | The key identifying the entry. |
incrementBy | number | The amount by which the entry should be incremented, or the starting value if it doesn't exist. |
scope? | string | The value is global by default. |
entryAttributes? | Record<string, Identifier> | Attributes to be associated with new version of the entry. If not provided, existing attributes are cleared. |
entryUserIds? | Identifier[] | A comma-separated list of Roblox user IDs that the entry is tagged with. If not provided, existing user IDs are cleared. |
const { data: incrementedEntry } = await StandardDataStoresApi_V1.incrementStandardDatastoreEntry({
universeId: 5097539509,
datastoreName: "LoremIpsum",
entryKey: "user/45348281",
incrementBy: 1,
entryUserIds: [45348281],
POST /v1/universes/{universeId}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry/increment