Cloud APIs


Sets the value, metadata and user IDs associated with an entry.


universeIdIdentifierThe identifier of the experience with data stores that you want to access.
datastoreNamestringThe name of the data store.
entryKeystringThe key identifying the entry.
scope?stringThe value is global by default.
matchVersion?stringProvide to update only if the current version matches this.
exclusiveCreate?booleanCreate the entry only if it does not exist.
entryAttributes?Record<string, Identifier>Attributes to be associated with new version of the entry. If not provided, existing attributes are cleared.
entryUserIds?Identifier[]An array of Roblox user IDs tagged with the entry. If not provided, existing user IDs are cleared.


type InventorySchema = { Iron?: number; Gold?: number; Copper?: number; Stone?: number; Wood?: number };
const { data: response } = await StandardDataStoresApi_V1.setStandardDatastoreEntry<InventorySchema>({
  universeId: 5097539509,
  datastoreName: "InventoryStore",
  entryKey: "user/45348281",
  entryValue: { Gold: 6 },
  entryUserIds: [45348281],

Example Data

  version: "08DBB6A47FDE6132.000000000E.08DBB780C616DF0C.01",
  deleted: false,
  contentLength: 20,
  createdTime: 2023-09-17T13:19:51.014Z,
  objectCreatedTime: 2023-09-16T11:03:03.922Z,


POST /v1/universes/{universeId}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry