Returns a list of data stores belonging to an experience.
Name | Type | Description |
universeId | Identifier | The identifier of the experience with data stores that you want to access. |
datastoreName | string | The name of the data store. |
entryKey | string | The key identifying the entry. |
scope? | string | The value is global by default. |
startTime? | Date | ISODateTime | Provide to not include versions earlier than this timestamp. |
endTime? | Date | ISODateTime | Provide to not include versions later than this timestamp. |
sortOrder? | "Ascending" | "Descending" | Either "Ascending" (earlier versions first) or "Descending" (later versions first). |
limit? | number | The maximum number of items to return. Each call only reads one partition so it can return fewer than the given value when running out of objectives on one partition. |
cursor? | string | Provide to request the next set of data. |
const { data: versions } = await StandardDataStoresApi_V1.listStandardDatastoreEntryVersions({
universeId: 5097539509,
datastoreName: "InventoryStore",
entryKey: "user/45348281",
sortOrder: "Ascending",
limit: 1,
Example Data
version: "08DBB6A47FDE6132.0000000010.08DBB781B9579F00.01",
deleted: false,
contentLength: 20,
createdTime: 2023-09-17T13:26:39.124Z,
objectCreatedTime: 2023-09-16T11:03:03.922Z,
GET /v1/universes/{universeId}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry/versions