Gets batch information about specific assets and bundles.
Name | Type | Description |
assetIds | 🤷 | The IDs of the assets to get info about. |
bundleIds | 🤷 | The IDs of the bundles to get info about. |
const { data: items } = await ClassicCatalogApi.catalogBatchInfo({ assetIds: [2608538559], bundleIds: [429] });
Example Data
id: 429,
itemType: "Bundle",
bundleType: 1,
name: "Magma Fiend",
description: "He's got hot blood, with a temperature of nine hundred and three.",
productId: 7219806593957530,
itemStatus: [],
itemRestrictions: [],
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
creatorType: "User",
creatorTargetId: 1,
creatorName: "Roblox",
price: 300,
lowestPrice: 300,
lowestResalePrice: 0,
unitsAvailableForConsumption: 0,
purchaseCount: 0,
favoriteCount: 520324,
offSaleDeadline: null,
collectibleItemId: "e036077b-ed8d-4bf1-9193-4e64bbc86978",
totalQuantity: 0,
saleLocationType: "ShopAndAllExperiences",
hasResellers: false,
id: 2608538559,
itemType: "Asset",
assetType: 31,
name: "Magma Fiend - Right Leg",
description: "He's got hot blood, with a temperature of nine hundred and three.",
productId: 427839098,
itemStatus: [],
itemRestrictions: [],
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
creatorType: "User",
creatorTargetId: 1,
creatorName: "Roblox",
priceStatus: "Off Sale",
purchaseCount: 0,
favoriteCount: 9887,
offSaleDeadline: null,
saleLocationType: "NotApplicable",
isOffSale: true,
GET /v1/catalog/items/details