Gets transaction history for a particular group.
Name | Type | Description |
groupId | Identifier | The ID of the group to get transaction history for. |
transactionType | Type | The transaction type to get. |
limit? | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | The number of results per request. |
cursor? | string | The paging cursor for the previous or next page. |
const { data: transactions } = await ClassicEconomyApi.groupTransactionHistory({
groupId: 5850082,
transactionType: "Sale",
Example Data
id: 14289110391,
idHash: "L1HiwSO1f1e68Xh1d50b91",
created: 2022-07-09T21:35:43.013Z,
isPending: false,
agent: { id: 473747714, type: "User", name: "LoremIpsum" },
details: {
id: 1116381,
name: "Buy 100 Coins",
type: "DeveloperProduct",
place: {
placeId: 1121711941,
universeId: 8681831361,
name: "LoremIpsumGame",
currency: { amount: 0, type: "Robux" },
purchaseToken: null,
GET /v2/group/${groupId}/transactions