Gets a list of group wall posts.
Name | Type | Description |
groupId | Identifier | The id of the group to get wall posts for. |
limit? | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | The number of results to be returned. |
sortOrder? | SortOrder | The order that the results are sorted in. |
cursor? | string | The paging cursor for the previous or next page. |
const { data: wallPosts } = await ClassicGroupsApi.groupWallPosts_V1({ groupId: 5850082 });
Example Data
id: 2727146317,
poster: {
hasVerifiedBadge: false,
userId: 45348281,
username: "MightyPart",
displayName: "MightyPart",
body: "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet...",
created: 2022-11-24T15:31:28.157Z,
updated: 2022-11-24T15:31:28.157Z,
GET /v1/groups/{groupId}/wall/posts