Gets games that should be spotlighted by the authenticated user.
const { data: spotlightedGames } = await ClassicGamesApi.authedUserSpotlightedGames();
Example Data
spotlightType: "RecommendedForYou",
spotlightActionText: "Recommended For You",
spotlightTypeData: null,
gameInfo: {
creatorId: 61596111,
creatorName: "LoremIpsum",
creatorType: "User",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 1128381,
totalDownVotes: 102161,
universeId: 1116885111,
name: "Simulator Simulator",
placeId: 1924121221,
playerCount: 161616,
imageToken: "T_4921112121_61da",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
GET /v1/games/list-spotlight