Get game recommendations based on a particular universe.
Name | Type | Description |
universeId | Identifier | The ID of the universe to get recommendations for. |
truncatedResults? | boolean | Return truncated results. |
limit? | number | The number of results per request. |
cursor? | string | The paging cursor for the previous or next page. |
const { data: recommendations } = await ClassicGamesApi.recommendationsFromUniverse({ universeId: 1685831367 });
Example Data
creatorId: 61648063,
creatorName: "ItsMuneeeb",
creatorType: "User",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 1257869,
totalDownVotes: 116797,
universeId: 2711375305,
name: "Catalog Avatar Creator",
placeId: 7041939546,
playerCount: 25621,
imageToken: "T_7041939546_4ca1",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
creatorId: 15022320,
creatorName: "Telanthric Development",
creatorType: "Group",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 1048903,
totalDownVotes: 143468,
universeId: 4778845442,
name: "[🔥ABYSMAL MODE] Toilet Tower Defense",
placeId: 13775256536,
playerCount: 43710,
imageToken: "T_13775256536_16f1",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
creatorId: 12836673,
creatorName: "Wiggity.",
creatorType: "Group",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 6142327,
totalDownVotes: 419260,
universeId: 4777817887,
name: "[TRADE] Blade Ball",
placeId: 13772394625,
playerCount: 51902,
imageToken: "T_13772394625_9ccc",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
creatorId: 60596019,
creatorName: "Wolfpaq",
creatorType: "User",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 5829113,
totalDownVotes: 902982,
universeId: 1686885941,
name: "Brookhaven 🏡RP",
placeId: 4924922222,
playerCount: 415192,
imageToken: "T_4924922222_6555",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
creatorId: 3959677,
creatorName: "BIG Games Pets",
creatorType: "Group",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 2426474,
totalDownVotes: 92767,
universeId: 3317771874,
name: "Pet Simulator 99! 🎲 RNG",
placeId: 8737899170,
playerCount: 229718,
imageToken: "T_8737899170_539c",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
creatorId: 12013007,
creatorName: "Yielding Arts",
creatorType: "Group",
creatorHasVerifiedBadge: true,
totalUpVotes: 2469880,
totalDownVotes: 470017,
universeId: 3808081382,
name: "[BOSS] The Strongest Battlegrounds",
placeId: 10449761463,
playerCount: 172610,
imageToken: "T_10449761463_f88a",
isSponsored: false,
nativeAdData: "",
isShowSponsoredLabel: false,
price: null,
analyticsIdentifier: null,
gameDescription: "",
genre: "",
minimumAge: 0,
ageRecommendationDisplayName: "",
GET /v1/games/recommendations/game/{universeId}